Remember that there are many habits that we can adopt easily and in return we can spend a happy and satisfactory life.
Here are 7 habits that can convert your boring life into a happy and joyful life

1- Build Relations:
keep relations with people. Find ways to meet friends, relatives and neighbors. On different occasions of happiness and sadness we do have need of our loved ones.
So, be social and keep your social circle large.
2- Be Sincere With Yourself:
Try to grab happiness from little things. Choose your way of living that provides you happiness. Sometimes bringing change in life benefits you. So bring positive changes in your life according to your own desires.
3-Set Preferences:
Concentrate on things, that are necessary for your happiness. Do not waste your energy on unnecessary things.
Focus on your goals. Because with this you will fell your life useful and meaningful.
4- Take Care of Your Health:
Try to spare your time for rest and outing. Do work, but according to your capacity.
5- Don't attach more expectations:
Never associate unrealistic expectations with people. Life is the name of give and take.
Always live your own life and let the people live their own life.
6- Be responsible and practical:
Instead of blaming others, try to recognize your responsibilities and try to fulfill them.
Always try to be practical and instead of remembering your past try to concentrate of your present and future.
7- Adopt positive approach:
Always keep positive approach in your life and never compare yourself with others. Live where you are and how you are!! But there is no harm to try for changes in life.